Břežany II
Gesamte Wohnung
Wohnungseigentum: 120 m²
Platz für 7 Personen
2 Schlafzimmer

It is a cosy two storey apartment that has a bathroom and a toilet on each floor, plus a balcony with sitting outside an its just 35 minutes away from the Prague City centre. Comfortable, spacious, fully equipped and safe place that feels like a home. It boosts you with energy and motivation by various wall paintings in each bedroom. Also in the living room by huge geodes of a crystal and two amethystes. Just being there is fulfilling. Clean and quiet place and l would like to keep it that way. The surroundings of the apartment has breath taking quarries and ponds for fishing or swimming, winter skating or just sitting on a bench by the water or with calming views. Countless field trails for walks and bikes, forests as well as horseback riding, roller skates, football and tennis courts, outside fitness and multifunctional playground. We are based around fertile fields of vegetable, seeds, grain and a lot of strawberry and raspberry fields. There is sleeping in two bedrooms upstairs at the top floor of the apartment. Eatch bedroom has two beds of a different size. There is an extra double mattress too. Downstairs is a kitchen, living room and dining, plus a balcony and a piano. The apartment has 120 m2. It is a big place full of space where you can study and work very freely all over. There is a big desk with an office chair and a printer on a corridor upstairs between the bedrooms. Downstairs is a dining table and a bar desk with a bar chair, which is lovely to work on a PC too. Next, is the living room with sofas. And the balcony with sitting outside. It is nice to be able to move around and to have the freedom of not being stuck always in one place. The connection to the centre of Prague to Masarykovo nadrazi or Hlavni nadrazi is 32 minutes by train from Rostoklaty station. The double-decker takes you there; it’s very comfortable and quiet tr(hidden)y car to the centre it is approx. 35 minutes. From Brezany ll to Rostoklaty train you can reach by bus in 2 minutes or you can have a beautiful 15 minute walk. Trains run at peak times every 15 minutes and off peak times every 30 minutes, enter the name Rostoklaty. Buses run only on weekdays from Břežany ll and are not as frequent as the train. Use the APP (PID Litacka) to find transport connection. Those who like nature, peace or jogging or walking, will love to walk to the train station! It feels like a bridge between noisy and busy lifestyle and a place of peace and quiet where you can easily perceive your natural flow and your breath without distraction. But you can also take your bike, scooter or a car. Parking is free. You can experience a real sense of home and belonging there. Everyone who loves nature and quiet, celebrates life in an aware and conscious way, is a non smoker, tidy and clean would love to live there. On a very side downstairs, there is a third bedroom just opposite the entrance door which can be used additionaly only upon a special agreement and price. Where is a very comfortable double health mattress on the floor. In the whole apartment are bug nets and blind folds. Also fans are all over the second floor...

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Einrichtungen und Ausstattung
  • Gemeinsames Parken
  • Privates Wohnzimmer
  • Private Toilette
  • Private Küche

  • WiFi
  • Wohnzimmermöbel
  • Bett
  • Türschloss im Schlafzimmer
Regeln und Präferenzen
  • Alter:mindestens 21
  • Geschlecht:keine Vorliebe
  • Art von Mieter:Studenten, Berufstätige
  • Für Paare geeignetJa

  • Musikinstrumente spielen erlaubt:Ja
  • Haustiere erlaubt:Nein
  • Rauchen erlaubt:Nein
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